Our Programs

Settlement Kids

Culture and diversity are celebrated and intertwined into all of our programs at The Settlement. Our team work to ensure our programs are inclusive and respectful to all cultures, and to acknowledge and honour the historic connection that our programs have with the local Aboriginal Community.

The Settlement Kids

Our Children’s Programs are built on the foundation of positive social relationships and social learning. We value and encourage community connection and involvement, with many programs run in partnership with other local organisations and community members.

Our Children’s Programs are designed for primary school children (ages 5-12) and their families from our local Redfern, Waterloo and surrounding communities.

They are run after school during the school term and for full days during the school holiday periods and consist of a range of outcomes-based programs and activities that focus on an early-intervention approach to children’s holistic development and well-being, and are designed to support children across different ages and developmental stages with various life skills, social skills and emotional development

“Having a safe place for my children to be during holidays is amazing and without it, it would be hard to find another place that is affordable so I can continue to work. Being a single parent family, The Settlement is so beneficial for many of us and we hope everyone else gets to see this too!”
– Parent/Guardian

Our Programs

Boys/Girls Groups

School Holiday Program

Active Kids

Step Up

Kids in the kitchen

Little Learners. Big Minds

Family Support Program



Culturally and Linguistically Diverse


Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

years of Targeted Programs for Kids

Children’s Program Main Objectives


Engaging children in programs that encourage the development of life skills, social and emotional skills


Connecting children to opportunities and experiences that they may otherwise face barriers to accessing


Encouraging children to try new things, expand their interests and skills, and build positive social connections


Facilitating an inclusive program that seeks to meet varied needs and is delivered through a trauma-informed lens


Supporting transitions as children age-out of our programs into Youth Programs to continue positive engagement and development

Boys/Girls Groups

Boys & Girls Group Programs provide a safe space for young boys and girls to explore their developing identities, share culture, connect and build positive relationships with their peers and continue to develop existing strengths that form the foundations for well-being in adolescence and beyond.

Through participating in Boys & Girls Groups we aim to support kids to:

  • Build positive self-concept, self-esteem and confidence
  • Increase positive mental health and resilience
  • Build positive social relationships and social networks
  • Have a sense of belonging and positively participate in their community
  • To understand the various experiences and changes that come with the transition into adolescence and puberty

“I grew up at The Settlement and family has come through here and I am happy that my child is following in our footsteps” – Parent/Guardian

School Holiday Programs

The Settlement School Holiday Program is designed for children aged 5-12 years from our community. Each day provides a different activity or excursion that seeks to enhance social and emotional development, encouraging positive relationship building and learning experiences for children, as well as trying new things and having new experiences.

Through participating in our School Holiday Program we aim to support kids to:

  • Engage in an accessible and inclusive program during the school holidays
  • Participate in positive social engagement and connection
  • Stay active and decrease sedentary behaviours and screen-time
  • Explore new experiences and opportunities that they may otherwise face barriers to accessing

They do a lot of stuff and it’s really fun, and I love all of the workers and staff. We get to go out and have fun, and we get play with our friends, and we don’t have to stay at home”
– Settlement Kid

Active Kids

Our Active Kids Program encourages ongoing physical activity through participation in a particular sport encourages children to try something different and develop new skills – this has previously included swimming lessons, and tennis lessons. Our current partnership with City Community Tennis provides free weekly Tennis Lessons and encourages children to get active through trying something different where they can practice their winning shots and improve their hand/eye coordination and motor skills.

 Through participating in Active Kids Program we aim to support kids to:

  • Increase activity and decrease sedentary behaviours and screen-time
  • Build team-work and social skills
  • Develop coordination and concentration abilities
  • Increasing confidence and self-esteem
  • Have healthy brain and body development and function
  • Improve mood and mental health

“I am the Redfern champion and it’s really fun because we can have a hit with friends”
– Settlement Kid

Step Up

Our Step Up Program has been developed to engage children within the ‘Middle Years’ (11-12 years old) age range, with the purpose of supporting their transition to adolescence. This program takes an early intervention approach to developing various social, emotional and life skills that support well-being in adolescence, while encouraging community engagement and involvement.

Through participating in Step Up, we aim to support kids to:

  • Develop positive connections with their peers and with program staff that will support their transition to adolescence
  • Develop skills in confidence, leadership and role-modelling, and in team-work and problem-solving
  • Develop positive connection to and active participation in their community
  • Be prepared to successfully transition into Youth Programs in a supportive process

“I like how we bring a lot of ideas together and be social with kids around my age”
– Kid

Kids in the Kitchen

Kids cooking the kitchen

Our Kids in the Kitchen Program for kids aged 5-8 takes an age-appropriate approach to supporting the early development of living skills in cooking and understanding nutrition.

Through participating in Kids in the Kitchen, we aim to support kids to:

  • Be introduced to different types of foods and nutritional benefits
  • Encourage healthy eating habits and choices
  • Develop the skills for cooking safely and independently later in life
  • Build their teamwork and sharing skills
  • Build their confidence and sense of achievement

Little Learners, Big Minds

Our Little Learners, Big Minds Program seeks to support and nurture the learning that children start at school by providing programs that encourage further development in literacy and numeracy.

This includes a Creative Writing Program in partnership with The Sydney Story Factory, which encourages children to engage their creative thinking and problem-solving skills and fosters lifelong engagement in learning in a fun environment.

Through participating in this program we aim to support kids to:

  • Increase their engagement with reading and writing
  • Enhance their learning at their own pace and level
  • Increase their confidence and self-esteem
  • Improve their attitude towards learning and school

“I like that people help you write so that you can say whatever you want to make a story”
– Settlement Kid

Family Support Program

In taking a holistic approach to child development and wellbeing we recognise that in addition to a child’s stages of development, various social and environmental factors in a child’s life play a large role in their overall wellbeing. These factors, including immediate and wider family, school, community, culture, health and many more all contribute to a child’s experiences in life and cannot be approached as separate elements.

For this reason, we seek to be able to provide additional support to the families engaging in our programs when it is needed. 

This has included support with:

  • Accessing Housing or support with accommodation issues
  • Education and/or Employment for parents/carers
  • Mental Health & Emotional Support
  • Accessing Financial Support
  • Food & Essentials Relief
  • Collaboration with schools and/or other services to support needs of children
  • Support Letters
  • Further Information and Referrals to relevant services

Enrolment Form

Parent/Guardian Details

Child/ren Details

Please tick which program/s your child is interested in joining:
Please tick which is most relevant to your child:

Our Programs







Creating opportunities and connecting community for 130 years and counting…

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